Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2012 Player Fees explained and discounted

The ADBUC team is excited to offer a discounted player fee for 2012

If your team (via your captain) pays all their player fees by the due date of Tuesday 3rd January you will get a $10 on-time discount. Reducing the player fee to $45 each.

Add to this our opt out options we believe we have given you the power to create your own tourney experience - no fills and keeping the budget low or adding in some of the extras that everyone likes and that you might have paid for anyway.

A reminder that the 2012 Opt Out options are Saturday night's dinner and dance for $20

  • if your team registers (afda site and team fee) by 23rd Dec - your team saves $100
  • if your team pays all the player fees by 3rd Jan - you save $10
  • and if you want to save more or have a dinner date on the Saturday night - you can opt out and save $20